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Posts by category
- Category: From FEDECRAIL
- Railway 200 – Celebrating 200 Years of Rail Innovation
- Calling All Marketing & Content Creators
- Update 65
- Isle of Man FEDECRAIL Conference 2025
- Update 64
- Working Industrial & Mobile Hertitage Platform (WIMH) Fact Sheet
- Update 63
- Saint Quentin General Meeting & Working groups 1-3 november
- Update 62
- Don’t forget to send us content for the next update!
- Recap of the Bilbao Conference 2024: Advancing Heritage and Inclusion
- New Member Elected to FEDECRAIL: Ukraine’s “Linia 102” Enhances Cross-Border Cooperation
- Updates from Bilbao Conference
- Conference with Members Meeting
- Update 61
- Online attendence for fedecrail conference 2024
- Update 60
- Welcome to Conference 2024 in Bilbao
- Fedecrail Update 59
- Nomination for FEDECRAIL board 2024
- General Meeting Frankfurt 3-5 November
- Update 57
- Febelrail: 150 Years of Trams in Antwerp
- Drawing competition “My Train Journey”
- Update 55
- Translator Susanne Stöver deceased
- FEDECRAIL Conference 20th-23th April
- FEDECRAIL will hold it’s hybrid Annual General Meeting 23rd April 2023
- FEDECRAIL Conference 2023
- Fedec Rail Update 53
- Spreading the Word… Working Industrial & Mobile Heritage
- ERTMS for the “Black Fleet” in the Netherlands
- Symbolic Value of Industrial & Technical Heritage Seminar
- Fedec Rail Update 52
- FEDECRAIL General Meeting
- Swedish Tramway Association: Youth Camps in Malmköping
- Museibanornas Riksorganisation, Järnvägsmuseet och Järnvägshistoriska Riksförbundet Sweden: The future of fossil fuels
- 7 Most Endangered Programme – Nomination has started
- Fossil fuels and the future of the tourist railways – debate and discussion with the young people of Fedecrail’
- Bad news from South Africa
- New board members and new FEDECRAIL members
- Railway Heritage Preservation Conference Zurich in June
- In support of our FEDECRAIL member AZIZU (Society to Preserve the History of the Ukrainian Railways in Kyiv)
- President’s message
- Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
- Railway and Tourism: A Cultural Perspective
- Music and Trains Bring People Together
- European Heritage Awards 2021 / Europa Nostra Awards
- Web meetings with Fedecrail members
- FEDECRAIL’s membership rises to 50
- Changes in the Board of FEDECRAIL
- ECTN Awards 2021 – Sustainable Cultural Tourism
- Introducing of new member candidates
- Milestone for the Achensee Railway in Tirol
- UIC events for the European Year of Rail 2021
- Unique new cooperation of the European Mobile Heritage sector
- Webinars replace Youth Exchange in 2021 starting in April
- HRA leaves FEDECRAIL at the end of the year
- Tramway Group strengthens communication
- One of the 7 most endangered objects?
- FEDECRAIL Youth Exchange only in 2022
- Historical tram operation during the pandemics
- Major John Poyntz passed away at the age of 82
- Objective : a fair place in the Green Deal
- 2021 – the European Year of Rail
- EU Questionnaire on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis
- Questionnaire endagered rail heritage
- Turntable in Belgium for sale
- David Madden died earlier this year
- Achenseebahn in Austria can breathe a sigh of relief
- UNECTO sets up Solidarity Fund for endangered railways
- The Achenseebahn is bankrupt
- Youth exchange in England postponed to 2021
- Bilbao 2020 conference postponed
- Petition for the Achenseebahn in Tyrol/Austria
- Invitation to the FEDECRAIL Youth Exchange 2020
- East Kent Railway suffers huge loss in Shepherdswell fire
- Lively media interest in FEDECRAIL at Tren de Sóller
- “Cuco” fascinated participants of the youth exchange
- Bilbao Conference 2020 with attractive programme
- A great loss: Tim Fisher died at the age of 73
- 13th FEDECRAIL Youth Exchange in Mora la Nova
- Strategic value of cultural heritage recognised
- Locomotive driver wanted at Achensee
- Historic joint turntable seeks new owner
- Riga Charter on the curriculum in Taiwan
- 25 years of FEDECRAIL: At sunrise on the Brocken
- Bruno Fleury new Vice President of FEDECRAIL
- Youth exchange in Catalonia/Spain has a few slots available
- Urgent: Deadline for Conference and Hotel Bookings
- FEDECRAIL Youth Exchange 2019 in Catalonia/Spain
- Jean François Andrist passed away
- A big success in Spain
- Jubilee Conference with “Flexi Options”
- Success through international cooperation
- For the 25th anniversary the “Harz Conference 2019”
- Andras Szendry – Former Director Budapest Railway Park died
- 16 young people at the 12th Youth Exchange in Sweden
- “The Peace Train” in Alsace in November
- Steam Gala in Poland in early September 2018
- Next FEDECRAIL dates have been set
- Two new faces on the FEDECRAIL Council
- Support for the Strasshof Railway Museum
- Four new FEDECRAIL members
- Museum Railways and the European Cultural Heritage 2018
- Steam locomotive parade at the Hungarian Railway Museum
- Preparations for the peace train
- The Presidential Train – World’s Best Public Event
- 12th Fedecrail Youth Exchange 2018 in Sweden
- Petition for the Trieste – Opicina railway line
- FEDECRAIL Annual Conference 2018 in Scotland
- David Morgan passes on the presidency to Jaap Nieweg
- FEDECRAIL support for the Augsburg Railway Park
- Fedecrail Youth Exchange with 17 boys and girls
- Search for light steel wheels for hand trolleys
- The first Italian law on Touristic Railways
- Günther Steinhauer VDMT leaves a great gap behind
- Richard Tapper passed away
- Heritage Operations Group (HOG) has Good News
- The New Tramway Operating Group (TOG)
- Conference ‘Belgium 2017’ in Antwerp
- Vice President Heimo Echensperger re-elected
- Three new FEDECRAIL members
- Last call for youth exchange
- Category: From members
- 75 years of PCC cars in The Hague
- Monthly newsletter from HRN
- The Norwegian railway museum has published a tender on the general repair of the little locomotive “Urskog”
- Reunited after more than 60 years
- Young Ukrainian Volunteers Visited Great Britain
- Belgium: 50th Anniversary of CFV3V
- Two light railway locomotives for the Industrieel Smalspoor Museum
- 120 years of Gulbene-Aluksene narrow gauge railway
- The Monte Igueldo Funicular/Spain: New Member
- Track construction before the season starts
- “Premier” – Back to the Future and an Award
- Major Winter Maintenance completed for its 2023 Season
- Railway Preservation Society of Ireland (RPSI):
- Two exceptional Garratt steam locomotives for Móra la Nova
- Austrian Railway Culture Award 2022
- Brünig Dampfbahn (Swiss) Resumption of steam service Interlaken Ost – Meiringen – Giswil via the Brünig Pass
- Museu Nacional Ferroviário, Portugal: Festival Vapor – a Steampunk Circus
- Local Coal in Scotland …. no more
- Santa’s Steam Specials: Leighton Buzzard Railway
- International Locomotive Meeting
- Historisch Railvervoer Nederland: The supply of coal
- Hybrid Seminar: Symbolic Value of Industrial & Technical Heritage
- Steam, Diesel, Electric…. is there a priority in preservation?
- Leighton Buzzard Railway: And they were warmly welcomed
- GADEFT: Journey to the heart of the Cevennes with “140C27”
- Railway Museum in Móra la Nova: Oldest broad-gauge Wagon in Spain restored
- Seaton Tramway adds two new halts
- Model railway festival at the Portuguese National Railway Museum
- “Fenella” on tour- 2023 Great Jubilees on the Isle of Man
- Coal again at Ffos-y-Fran
- Coal again at Ffos-y-Fran
- Imminent threat to railway trackbed in Wensleydale, Yorkshire
- Future of the Leighton Buzzard Light Railway secured
- Steam Train Festival in Maldegem/Belgien
- Category: From third parties
- Linia 102.Ua
- Wolsztyn Steamtrain
- Aukštaitija Narrow Gauge Railway
- Norsk Jernbanemuseum
- Welsh Highland Heritage Railway
- Leighton Buzzard Light Railway
- North Norfolk Railway
- The Flour Mill Ltd
- Railway Preservation Society of Ireland
- Brünig Dampf Bahn
- Ukrainian Railway Heritage Association (AZIZU)
- Museum of History and Development of the Donetsk Railway
- Dampfbahn-Verein Zürcher Oberland (DVZO)
- SBB Historic - Stiftung Historisches Erbe der SBB
- Verein Ostgleis (ehemals Wassertalbahn)
- Sveriges Järnvägsmuseum
- Museibanornas Riksorganisation (MRO)
- Järnvägs Historiska Riksförbundet (JHRF)
- Zürcher Museumsbahn
- Chemin de fer musée Blonay-Chamby
- Ferrocarril de Soller S.A.
- Agrupación de los Ferrocarriles Históricos Españoles (AFCHE)
- Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Espanoles
- Asociacion de Amigos del Ferrocarril de Madrid (AAFM)
- Museo Vasco del Ferrocarril
- Associació Preservació Patrimoni Ferroviari Industrial (A.P.P.F.I)
- Associación Zaragozana de Amigos del Ferrocarril y Tranvias (A.Z.A.F.T.)
- Detská železnica Kocice, o.z.
- Asociaţia Prietenii Mocăniţei
- Pereslavl Zaleskii Narrow Gauge Railway Museum
- Railway National Museum Foundation
- Muzeum Kolejnictwa na Śląsku
- Museumsbaneradet
- Norsk Jernbaneklubb (NJK)
- Historisch Railvervoer Nederland (HRN)
- AMTF Train 1900 a.s.b.l.
- SIA BO "Gulbenes-Aluksnes Banitis"
- FIFTM Federazione Italiana Ferrovie Turistiche e Museali
- MÁV Rail Tours Ltd.
- Network of Museum and Tourist Railway Organisations of Greece
- Scottish Railway Preservation Society
- The Ravenglass and Eskdale Railway Co Ltd
- Sittingbourne & Kemsley Light Railway Ltd
- UK Tram Limited
- Verband Deutscher Museums- und Touristikbahnen
- Suomen Rautatiehistoriallinen Seura ry (SRHS)
- Estonian Museum Railway
- Dansk Jernbane Club (DJK)
- DVF - Danske Veterantogsoperatørers Fællesrepræsentation
- Danish Tramway Museum Skjoldenaesholm
- Danmarks Jernbanemuseum
- Herkules KHKD s.r.o
- HŽ INFRASTRUKTURA d.o.o. Hrvatski željeznički muzej
- Belarus Narrow Gauge Railway Foundation
- Verband Österreichischer Museums- und Touristikbahnen (ÖMT)
- Union des Exploitants de Chemins de Fer Touristiques et de Musées - UNECTO
- Modern Electric Tramways Ltd