Andras Szendry – Former Director Budapest Railway Park died


We have received the sad message that our friend and long-time FEDECRAIL supporter Andras Szendry died of cancer on Saturday 3rd November 2018. Andras had hoped to come to join our Edinburgh Conference in April (his daughter and her husband live near Oxford) but sadly he was not able to manage it.

Those of us who attended the Budapest Conferences will remember the enthusiasm with which he helped to arrange our Hungarian visits. Andras was also extremely helpful with both our applications for EU funding to establish a permanent FEDECRAIL Secretariat based in his Railway Park.Sadly neither were successful as at that time. Culture did not include Mobile Heritage in the Brussels mindset but it proved to be a wake-up call for us to lobby and participate in pressure to gain a wider acceptance of our vital Heritage role.

The Railway Park in Budapest will be a lasting memorial to the vision and determination of Andras, its creator.

(John Fuller, Conference Manager)


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