Nomination for FEDECRAIL board 2024


For our annual general meeting in 2024, FEDECRAIL is seeking nominations from its members for the board. It is you as members who appoint the board and therefore, it is of the utmost importance that we get nominations.

The board of FEDECRAIL is made up of persons from our members and members’ members. It is you as a member that nominate suitable candidates for board work. The board’s meeting and communication takes place in English the largest part via web meetings with occasional physical gatherings throughout the year.

The board must inform the members about the open positions on the board for the coming year AGM no later than three months before the AGM. Members must then submit nominations no later than 2 months before the AGM.

Position for 2024 AGM:

In 2024 following people is in end of their mandate:

Jaap Nieweg President – not up for re-election (nominated by HRN 2021)

Mimmi Mickelsen– secretary, treasure, vice President – up for re-election (Nominated by MRO 2021)

Gottfried Aldrian board member – up for re-election (nominated by ÖMT 2021)

Frederic Riehl board member – not up for re-election (nominated by UNECTO 2021)

Information on nomination

Nomination form for FEDECRAIL


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