Fedecrail Youth Exchange with 17 boys and girls


The 11th Fedecrail Youth Exchange started in Turin (Italy) on July 29. Seventeen boys and girls from various European countries (Sweden, Italy, Austria, England, Romania, Ukraine and Germany) gathered in Italy to share 10 days of cultural and rail experiences organized with the support of FIFTM Italian Federation of Tourist and Museums Railways.

The first part – held in Turin – was organized by the volunteers of the Museo Ferroviario Piemontese. While staying in the region capital, the boys were able to visit Savigliano and the Railway Museum. There were days dedicated to the visit of the city of Turin with well-liked tram trips, including a trip to the historic Sassi-Superga rack tramway.

The workshop at Turin Museum’s historic site was able to host working days during which the young people use their experience on the historic vehicles, working with the local volunteers.

On 2nd August, the group travelled by train to Primolano, where they were welcomed by volunteers of the Società veneta Ferrovie association. The next day they worked in the newly restored locomotive shed , starting the restoration of a freight wagon with the dismantling of wooden parts and taking a look at the carriage and steam locomotives recently overhauled.

In the next few days they went to Venice by train for a guided tour of the city and travelled to the narrow-gauge railway Trento-Marilleva and visited the shed.

On the final evening of Saturday 5th August, Fedecrail’s vice president Heimo Echesperger handed out attendance certificates to all the participants bringing to an end a delightful experience that left the volunteers of the involved organizations with fond memories.


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