FEDECRAIL support for the Augsburg Railway Park


In a letter, sent to the highest ranking government authorities of the state, the region and the city as well as to the Member of the European Parliament Markus Ferber, FEDECRAIL has advocated the preservation of the Augsburg Railway Park, in its entirety, as a unique industrial monument. Breaking up this park in favour of investors’ commercial interests, which is currently being considered, would destroy a valuable European industrial monument. In terms of content and function, both parts of the Augsburg Railway Park, “Roundhouse Europe” and “World of the Steam Engine” in the steam engine hall are inextricably linked to each other. The “Roundhouse Europe” is supported by nine European countries through valuable items on loan and teaches European transport history through historical ambassador locomotives. Especially in times of widespread Euroscepticism, it would be a fatal signal to endanger this significant European project.


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