President’s message


Dear member, you are FEDECRAIL !!
In two months time the Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022 will be held on April 9th in Leuven Belgium. Our secretary Kees Wijnnobel will send all information, like the agenda, annual report, inclusive the accounting over 2021 and the budget for 2022, that is based on the annual plan 2022 (for agreement on the Agenda as well). New candidate
board members proposed by our members, are going to be elected by you, the member. And of course, Kees will give the information how to attend physical or online, and how to vote when online attending.

To make it possible to take part easily in the AGM without travel time and travel costs, with as much as possible colleagues, representing the voting members, we organize the AGM in hybrid format. You can attend physically in Leuven and you can join the meeting online. This makes it anyway possible that you can raise your voice where
needed. Not to be decided, but to be discussed in this AGM is the Strategic plan 2023- 2027 under construction. We had a first discussion in the extra members meeting on December 18th 2021. Since than the working group is making progress and wants to discuss the actual format with you.

Also to be on the agenda will be the developments in the process of the co-operation for the whole of the working Industrial and Mobile heritage in Europe, in which FEDECRAIL is one of the initiators. Very warning signals are the upcoming glimpses of the changes, the future foresees in use of fossils fuels and the right to keep our conceptual authenticity upright by continuing the use of fossils fuels by getting a formal place in the European Cultural Green deal.

So, many reasons to attend on April 9th 2022. We, the team members and the board of FEDECRAIL, need your voice and your vote, for maintaining the continuous work to be done in your interest and foremost because you are FEDECRAIL !!

Jaap Nieweg


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