Unique new cooperation of the European Mobile Heritage sector


FEDECRAIL supports a unique new cooperation of the European Mobile Heritage sector. The COVID-19 worldwide pandemic suggests that the attention for environmental threads of the global warming up has been pushed back. But looking into this aspect of our behaviour from a more long-term perspective, the execution of the Plan Paris – the aim for a fair place in the EU Green Deal – will ask a maximum attention of all of us.

In the past year, the Dutch National Cultural Heritage Agency, in close cooperation with the Dutch Mobile Historical Collection foundation, has undertaken various activities in the area of European cooperation in the field of mobile heritage.

The various chairmen of European umbrella organisations for historical mobile heritage, i.c.: the road, rail and air sectors have agreed to intensify this cooperation, in which the water sector and the sector of working industrial heritage will also be invited to join.

FEDECRAIL has agreed to further intensify this cooperation, in order to set up a platform that will formulate central goals, which in future political climate debates should contribute to clear discussions and decision making in the European Parliament and the European Commission and will help to assure a steady future for our forms of heritage. The board of FEDECRAIL is preparing to organize web-meetings in the coming weeks with the boards of the individual national heritage rail umbrella-organizations being member of FEDECRAIL to listen to their ideas in this important subject.


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