European Network

European Networks within the EU

The European Union (EU) is a unique economic and political union between 27 European countries that work together to promote peace, stability, and prosperity. One of the key mechanisms through which the EU fosters cooperation and integration is through its various European networks. These networks play a crucial role in facilitating communication, collaboration, and the sharing of best practices among member states.

About the Enterprise Europe Network

The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) helps businesses innovate and grow on an international scale. It is the world’s largest support network for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with international ambitions.

The Network is active worldwide. It brings together experts from member organisations that are renowned for their excellence in business support.

Member organisations include:

  • chambers of commerce and industry
  • regional development organisations
  • universities and research institutes
  • innovation agencies

Individual businesses can’t become Network members, but they can enjoy the many services offered

Types of European Networks

  1. Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T)
  • Purpose: The TEN-T aims to create a comprehensive and efficient transport infrastructure across Europe. It focuses on integrating railways, roads, waterways, and air transport to enhance connectivity and support the smooth functioning of the internal market.
  • Key Projects: High-speed rail connections, cross-border road networks, and improved port facilities.
  1. European Research Area (ERA)
  • Purpose: ERA seeks to create a unified research area that promotes scientific excellence and innovation. By coordinating national research activities and policies, the ERA aims to boost the EU’s competitiveness and address global challenges.
  • Key Initiatives: Horizon Europe (the EU’s research and innovation funding program), partnerships with research institutions, and the mobility of researchers.
  1. European Energy Network (ENTSO-E and ENTSO-G)
  • Purpose: These networks are responsible for ensuring a secure, sustainable, and integrated energy market in Europe. ENTSO-E focuses on electricity transmission, while ENTSO-G addresses gas transmission.
  • Key Projects: Development of cross-border energy infrastructure, integration of renewable energy sources, and enhancing energy security.
  1. European Judicial Network (EJN)
  • Purpose: The EJN facilitates judicial cooperation in criminal matters among EU member states. It ensures effective communication and coordination between national judicial authorities.
  • Key Activities: Providing legal information, supporting the execution of judicial requests, and organizing meetings and training sessions for legal professionals.
  1. European Employment Services (EURES)
  • Purpose: EURES aims to promote labor mobility within the EU. It provides information, guidance, and recruitment services to both jobseekers and employers.
  • Key Services: Job matching, advice on living and working conditions in different EU countries, and support for cross-border workers.

Benefits of European Networks

  • Enhanced Cooperation: European networks facilitate collaboration among member states, enabling them to tackle common challenges more effectively.
  • Resource Sharing: These networks allow for the pooling of resources and expertise, leading to more efficient and innovative solutions.
  • Improved Connectivity: Infrastructure networks like TEN-T enhance connectivity across Europe, supporting economic growth and regional development.
  • Strengthened Integration: By fostering closer ties between member states, European networks contribute to the overall integration and unity of the EU.


European networks are vital components of the EU’s efforts to promote cooperation, integration, and development among its member states. By addressing various sectors such as transport, research, energy, justice, and employment, these networks help build a more connected, innovative, and prosperous Europe. Whether through enhancing infrastructure, supporting scientific research, or facilitating labor mobility, European networks play a crucial role in the continuous advancement of the European Union.
