Günther Steinhauer VDMT leaves a great gap behind

c Günther Steinhuaer, May 2017. Photo: John Crane

The chairman of VDMT (Association of German Museum and Tourist Railways), Günther Steinhauer, has died on 21 July 2017 at the age of only 64, following a short illness. With his passing, the German museum railway community loses one of its most significant members. His expertise in technical and operational matters across all gauges was remarkable and highly esteemed in railway circles. Having previously been deputy chairman since 1999, Mr Steinhauer served as chairman of the VDMT since 2012. The basis of his dedication was his love for museum railways, which was his calling and, in the case of his Selfkantbahn near Aachen, his career and life’s work. Günther Steinhauer leaves a void which will indeed be very difficult to fill. Our thoughts are with his family and friends.


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