7 Most Endangered Programme – Nomination has started


Annual cycle for selecting seven threatened heritage sites and cultural landscapes in Europe has just re-started.  As always this forms a key part of the EN civil society campaign to save Europe’s endangered heritage.  If you are aware of any threatened significant railway heritage location – whether, as in 2021, a complete railway or just a building, bridge or other engineering structure, you may wish to consider submitting a nomination. Please of course keep Fedecrail in the picture for advice and potential support.

In addition to recent progress with the Achenseebahn in Tyrol/Austria (It resumed operations in May this year after a one-year break)., other 7ME successes with industrial heritage have included the historic Szombierki Power Station near Katowice in Poland, now returned to “caring hands” from private ownership.  The deadline for applications is Thursday 15.09.  Full details of the criteria and process can be found on the specialist 7ME website:   www.7mostendangered.eu/nominate


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