Krems an der Donau in Austria has been chosen as this years conference venue. Krems is one of the oldest cities in Austria, a university town, and an important railway junction. It is the “gateway” to the magnificent cultural landscape of the Wachau, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
A worthy setting, to host the FEDECRAIL conference and serve as a starting point for a compact study tour programme for both young and experienced, and of course the young-at -heart museum railway enthusiasts. Donau University Krems – our important partner in the organization – is kindly providing us with premises and technical equipment.
For conference rate for your hotel room, please book at latest 15th of march under code FEDECRAIL23. Park Hotel krems T : +43 (0) 2732 79479 M : [email protected]
To sign up for conference please click at this link:
Thursday 20th April
We start the check in and we have a Meet and Greet in the evening at the University. The check in will open after lunch.
Friday 21th April
Workgroup meetings will be held in the morning. Followed by lunch. After lunch we will have a program for the participants and in the evening dinner for all.
For partners and friends, there will be a visit to the Wachaubahn, returning by boat.
Saturday 22th April
We will visit Vienna, with several different things planned such as a heritage tram ride, there of many fine sites in Vienna so there will be a site seeing tour.
Sunday 23th April
There will be lectures in the morning. Then at 13:00 we will have the AGM, which will take about 2 hours. The conference is held in conjunction with our partners Europa Nostra and the University of Krems.
A partners and friends program is planned for those who do not wish to attend the conference around the local world heritage sites.
We end the conference with a networking dinner for all participants, friends and partners.
To attend the whole long weekend will be 360 euros per person, the same amount for partners. If you attend as a Friend of Fedecrail there is an additional fee of 25 euros, if you go as a partner there is no cost for become a friend of fedecrail.
If you want to attend only working groups and/or AGM online or in person (excluding lunch) that is free. To listen in to the speakers we will charge in a small fee per lecture.
If you don ́t want to attend the whole weekend you can attend individual program items and pay for each:
Meet and Greet Thursday 40 euros/per person
Friday whole day program with working groups, lunch and dinner 100 euro/person, Partners and friends program 100 euros per person
Saturday Vienna program 130 euros per person
Sunday lectures, lunch, dinner AGM 100 euros per person, Partner and friends program 100 euros per person
You make your on reservation for the hotels
Hotels: the Parkhotel Krems
Special price with code ”FEDECRAIL23” until 15th March
Double room category A € 146,00 per room/incl. breakfast
Double room for single use category A € 120,00 per night/incl. breakfast Triple room category A € 195,00 per room/incl. breakfast
Double room category B € 130,00 per room/incl. breakfast
Double room for single use category B € 110,00 per night/incl. breakfast Triple room category B € 180,00 per room/incl. Breakfast
www.parkhotel– T : +43 (0) 2732 79 4 79 M : [email protected]
To sign up for conference please click here for the online form to sign up for one person and partner. If there are multiple persons going please complete one form for each person.
After you have submitted the form a confirmation with be sent to you within a couple of days which will contain the payment information.
If you have any problems or questions fill in the form or help please contact FEDECRAIL at Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Partners of FEDECRAIL for Conference 2023