Now it’s time for you all to take part in our latest Update from FEDECRAIL. Both our members and our own operations contribute to us being able to inform about what is happening.
In the near future, FEDECRAIL will have its autumn General meeting, this will be held in Frankfurt and we also have a small visit to the Feldbahnmuseum planned on Friday. The date of this event is November 3-5 and we plan to hold it at Intercity hotels. More information and details will follow shortly, but you may already block the dates in your calendars and plan your participation.
Saturday, which is the primary meeting day, will include in the morning:
Chairman meeting
Working group meeting
There will be an opportunity to participate online, but it is primarily a physical meeting, so keep in mind that it does not offer the same opportunities with online participation.
In addition to that, the AGM is planned for 2024 and we would like to receive nominations for the board from your members. The positions that become vacant or are up for filling are as follows:
It is important that you as members nominate and provide input on how you want board work and the business to be driven forward.