Details have now been confirmed for the follow up to the 2023 successful industrial heritage conference in Katowice. This year’s conference will focus on practical protection of fossil fuel heritage, including the continued needs of supplies for industrial and mobile heritage. Dates are Thu 10.04 (main business sessions) and Fri 11.04 (study visits to the historic coal mine “Ignacy”). Main business sessions will be hosted at the Silesian Parliament building in Katowice. The preservation project for the “Ignacy” mine was recognised with a Europa Nostra European Heritage Award in 2024.
The conference has been organised by various bodies in Poland, including the Government Ministry of Culture, with active support and input from the WIMH platform working group. Key topics for discussion will include the preservation and continued use of mining heritage as a vital means of presenting coal’s central and historic role during the industrial revolution. Ideas include the concept of creating a working mine museum as an ongoing source of supply of coal.
Representatives of Fedecrail members – and all others interested – will be very welcome to take part in this conference. The fee for the full two day programme is € 65. Full details and registration form can be found on the website of the lead local organising body, the Silesian Industrial Heritage Foundation: Enquiries should be addressed to: [email protected]
Peter Ovenstone – Secretary, WIMH Working industrial & Mobile Heritage
Find the programme here: