This will be another great experience: The FEDECRAIL Youth Exchange 2020 will take place in the South West of England from Friday 31st July to Sunday 9th August. The hosts are member organisations of the Heritage Railway Association, the West Somerset Railway and the Seaton Tramway. Participants can expect a varied programme consisting of work experience at both of the hosts. Visits to a road steam and vintage vehicle rally and visits to other railway and historic venues are planned. There will be the opportunity to join in a variety of different cultural and organised events as part of the programme and to have the chance to network with the other international participants. Young people between 16 and 25 years and volunteer at a museum railway and interested in historic railways email at [email protected], stating the intention to participate as soon as possible, but at the latest by the end of December 2019.
Invitation to the FEDECRAIL Youth Exchange 2020

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17th December 2019