At the last General Assembly in Wernigerode (Germany), which took place in the Harz Mountains during the 2019 Annual Conference, Bruno Fleury was elected as the new Vice-President of FEDECRAIL. He succeeds Jacques Daffis, who has held this office since 2003 and decided not to be reelected due to his age. Bruno Fleury has been a member of the board of Unecto (France) since 2015 and its vice president since 2016. Jacques Daffis remains attached to FEDECRAIL as Officer for Affairs in Spain. The terms of office of Secretary Kees Wijnnobel and of the Board members Pierluigi Scoizzato and Josef van der Perre also ended this spring. All three were re-elected for a further three years.
Bruno Fleury new Vice President of FEDECRAIL

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29th April 2019