Author: Josh Castree

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Drawing competition “My Train Journey”
Published: 20th April 2023

The National Railway Museum is the promoter of the third edition of the National Drawing Contest on Railway Transport, this year under the theme “My …

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“Premier” – Back to the Future and an Award
Published: 19th April 2023

In 1905, Edward Lloyd Ltd, the owners of the paper mill at Sittingbourne in Kent decided to convert from a horse drawn tramway to steam power. They initially …

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Railway Preservation Society of Ireland (RPSI):
Published: 11th April 2023

6Oth Anniversary of End of Steam on CIÉ Irish Railways On 31st March 1963, steam traction ended on Córas Iompair Éireann (CIÉ), Ireland’s transport company.  One of the locos withdrawn was a Great Northern Railway 4-4-0 No …

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steam or other
Steam, Diesel, Electric…. is there a priority in preservation?
Published: 4th September 2022

Many of us have had the privilege of seeing steam locomotives in regular service: some in the golden years of steam traction, some in the …

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railway museum
Railway Museum in Móra la Nova: Oldest broad-gauge Wagon in Spain restored
Published: 31st August 2022

Oldest broad-gauge Wagon in Spain restored The railway museum in Móra la Nova restored the oldest broad-gauge wagon in Spain, built in Belgium in 1881. …

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New board members and new FEDECRAIL members
Published: 19th April 2022

At the Annual General Meeting of FEDECRAIL on 9 April 2022 in Leuven (Belgium), which was held in hybrid form, Pierluigi Scoizzato and Josef van …

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