The Spanish federation AGRUPACIÓN DE LOS FERROCARRILESHISTÓRICOS ESPAÑOLES (AFCHE) obtained a big success in its country. The deputies have voted in December 2018 a Proposal on the Historical Railways (HR), presented by the socialist party in the spanish parliament. The text allows them among other things to run heritage and tourist trains on closed lines: “Agreement (…) to promote, in collaboration with the regional and local entities, the enhancement of the old disused railway lines no longer belonging to the RFIG (…) as key elements for the protection of railway heritage.” RFIG means “Red Ferroviaria de Interés General”, the Spanish railway network of general interest. To run heritage and tourist trains on closed lines was forbidden, when they have lines closed since many years, although they were still in acceptable condition, due to Spanish climate.
A big success in Spain

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15th January 2019