At the FEDECRAIL annual general meeting 2017 Steve Wood, chairman of the Heritage Operations Group (HOG), gave an overview on the activities of the FEDECRAIL working group. The main topics of their work were ERMTS (European Rail Traffic Management System), the directive for the engine driving license, access to service facilities as well as the 4th train package. In particular, two successes are arising: With regards to ERMTS funding from Denmark seems possible. Furthermore, FEDECRAIL could secure an exemption for Heritage workshops providing service facilities for main line operators. This is due to the efforts of Andres Wedzinga. In this context, it also has to be highlighted that in the GRB (Group of Representative Bodies) FEDECRAIL has the same status as for instance CER, DB or SNCF.
Heritage Operations Group (HOG) has Good News
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28th June 2017