There have been some changes in the Board of FEDECRAIL with the election at the General Assembly Part 2 in June 2021 in Diegem, Belgium: Gottfried Aldrian , Mimmi Mickelsen and Frédéric Riehl are new members of the Board. Jaap Nieweg was re-elected as President. Vice-President and Treasurer Heimo Echensperger (Germany), who was no longer available after 12 years in accordance with the statutes, as well as Vice-President Peter Ovenstone (Great Britain) and Executive Board member Jonas Svartlok, Sweden, stepped down. The President thanked the retiring members for their years of commitment, hoping that they would continue to support the work of FEDECRAIL. A special word of appreciation went to Heimo Echensperger, who had been a member of the Morgan Commission since 1989, which launched the European umbrella organisation, and subsequently a Fedecrail Board member since 1994.
The Executive Committee is composed as follows: President Jaap Nieweg (Netherlands), Vice-Presidents Pierluigi Scoizzato (Italy), Mimmi Mickelsen (Sweden) and Bruno Fleury (France), Treasurer Frederic Riehl (Switzerland), Secretary Kees Wijnnobel (Netherlands) and Board Members Gottfried Aldrian (Austria) and Jozef van der Perre (Belgium).