Tag: Update

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Update 62
Published: 25th June 2024

Explore the Latest Insights with FEDECRAIL Update 62! Dear Members, Dive into the newest edition of FEDECRAIL Update! Discover how we’re advancing the interests of …

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Update 61
Published: 21st April 2024

Important Updates from Fedecrail / Wichtige Updates von Fedecrail / Mises à jour importantes de Fedecrail Dear Members / Liebe Mitglieder / Chers membres, We …

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Update 60
Published: 1st March 2024

Dear Members, We’re thrilled to announce that Update 60 is now landing in your inbox, packed with the latest developments and insights into our operations! …

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Fedecrail Update 59
Published: 22nd December 2023

Merry Christmas and Happy new Year Dear member of FEDECRAIL and readers of the FEDECRAIL Update. Accompanied with Update 59 I wish all a merry …

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Photo: Andris Biedrins
Update 57
Published: 14th September 2023

Now it’s time for you all to take part in our latest Update from FEDECRAIL. Both our members and our own operations contribute to us …

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Published: 14th March 2023

You are invited! The Annual General Meeting is an important event for members and federation FEDECRAIL is a federation. This means it is made up …

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