Since 2007 FEDECRAIL organizes in cooperation with one of its local members an international youth exchange called “FEDECRAIL Youth Exchange” to enable young people from museum railays and railway museums in Europe to come together and learn how in other countries the railway heritage is preserved and to foster intercultural understanding and networking between heritage railways throughout Europe. Each year a different country host the Youth Exchange.
All young people who are member of a heritage railway society and who aged between 16 and 25 years are invited to attend (participants under 18 will need a Parental Permission). The duration of the Youth Exchange is about ten days and the camp takes place during August when in most of the countries are summer holidays. Typically there are about 25 places available, which are inteded to be split evenly between the contries paritcipating if the number of places is exceeded (which never happened so far). The main language at the Youth Exchange is English. Therefore at least one English speaking person shall be in the praticipating group from a country.
Below there will be more information about the upcoming Youth Exchange:

The 14th Fedecrail Youth Exchange 2020 – United Kingdom – Postponed
The Corona crisis, unfortunately, forces the hosts of the FEDECRAIL Youth Exchange 2020 to cancel the event for this year and postpone it to a date yet to be decided. The Youth Exchange was originally scheduled to take place in the South West of England this August.
Unfortunately, we see different challenges with both having members run our youth exchanges but also creating funding. We have a changing world and a security situation combined with inflation that affects us all. This means that there are also challenges in Europe.
Fedecrail has youth exchange high on its priority list, we also see a great need to implement the youth in the ongoing work. Going forward, you will be able to see subsidized prices for participation for young people under 25 but also special events.
Are you between 16 and 25 years of age and interested in the Youth Exchange? Send an email to [email protected] for more information or to register.

Previous Youth Camps
- 2021 – Covid
- 2020 – Covid
- 2019 – Spain
- 2018 – Sweden
- 2017 – Italy
- 2016 – Germany
- 2015 – Hungary
- 2014 – Netherlands
- 2013 – Austria
- 2012 – Great Britain
- 2011 – Poland
- 2010 – Hungary
- 2009 – Germany
- 2008 – Latvia
- 2007 – Sweden